2020 vs Everybody: The Creatives’ Affect

2020!? The year that put us in a chokehold (pun very much intended/Rest In Power Mr Floyd) and still won’t let go. For many of us this was the year. We had ideas, we formed plans, we made moves. And then…

The two obvious crises/movements (call them what you will) that have recently occurred were such that, on their own, the consequences would have been felt by most of the world’s population for years to come. Yet, for reasons that I can only attribute to a deep longing for mass self debilitation, the powers that be thought it would be fun to push the boundaries of decency, and lump everything together in the same socio maniacal wash cycle. Whites and Colours together (I meant that too), with the temperature set to cold on an extra long spin cycle. And it’s not about to end anytime soon (no matter what Keir Starmer thinks).

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